EmpkinS Invited Talk: sEMG lecture

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On the 7th of July Prof. Dr. Roberto Merletti did a two part guest sEMG lecture about „EMG Generals, physiological aspects“ and „Aspects for engineers like design of electrodes, signal conditioning etc.“

Engineers, psychologists and physicians discussed EMG technology and its application in everyday clinical practice well into the evening.

Until November 2015 Prof. Merletti was a Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Dept. of Electronics and the director of the Lab. for Engineering of the Neuromuscular System (LISiN) in the Politecnico di Torino (Italy).
He is Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of ISEK, and member of the Editorial Board of three international journals.

More about him can be read here: https://www.robertomerletti.it/en/cv/

Some impressions from the lecture and the get-together afterwards: