Women In EmpkinS Day

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The first Women-in-EmpkinS day took place on September 21st. Invited were all #female scientific employees of the CRC from the student assistants to the professors.

It was a long day that started very early in the morning but it was worth it. The destination of the trip was the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Microsystems and Solid State Technologies (EMFT) in Munich, where Prof. Hagelauer (PI in sub-project A03) is co-director.

First on the program was a workshop on „Thriving in a male-dominated workplace“ with Heather Hofmeister. She did an excellent job, worked intensively with us and was able to give us many valuable tips and ideas.

After lunch, two professors from the CRC, Sigrid Leyendecker and Amélie Hagelauer, reported on their careers. A very lively and familiar question and answer session ensued and if time had not been pressing the conversation would certainly have dragged on into the evening hours.