IRTG Winter School

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From the 7th to the 11th of November, scientists from all across our CRC participated in the first EmpkinS IRTG Winter School in Hintertux, Austria!

Organized by a team of young researchers, the EmpkinS IRTG Winter School provided a key opportunity for professional exchange and new collaborations.

At the beginning of the week, the doctoral candidates presented the current state of their sub-projects and received feedback from their peers. This served as one of the regular status updates, which are a critical part of the IRTG curriculum.

An important goal of the Winter School was the development of ideas to advance the IRTG and CRC. The event provided space for brainstorming, promoted cooperation between the different areas, and aimed to foster interdisciplinary exchange. The young researchers were able to work on joint manuscripts, student theses, and more.

Highlights of the Winter School included the invited keynote talks from Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt on “If you cannot see it, is it really there?” and from Prof. Dr. Christian Waldschmidt on “Radar based human gesture recognition in traffic scenarios”.

During one of the evenings, our participants celebrated their errors and talked about failed projects and lessons learned in both research and their personal lives during a “Failure Night”.

After all, science is not just made from only success stories!