Gender and diversity introduction

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On July 21st, our scientists got an introduction to the gender, diversity and family-friendliness measures of FAU and also insights to equal opportunity needs and measures. Speaker were Dipl.-Psych. Heidrun Stollberg from FAU´s family service and Dr. Marion Kämmlein. She works in the Gender and Diversity Office and is the coordinator of the AriadneTechNat program.

The field of work of the offices include for example support by FAU’s Women Representatives, Gender Consulting as well as equal opportunities. To promote equal opportunities, FAU uses strategies such as gender mainstreaming, diversity management and strategies to ensure the compatibility of study, work and family.

As part of supporting young female researchers the ARIADNE initiatives by the faculties offer workshops and seminars on different topics to empower women at getting started with their scientific work at the university. Another important element is the placement of a mentor who advises on strategic and practical questions of career development.


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