Subproject D02

Subproject D02

Empatho-Kinaesthetic Sensor Technology for Biofeedback in Depressed Patients

The D02 project focuses on utilizing facial expressions as a biomarker in smartphone-based reappraisal training for psychological assessment. The project aims to understand the relationship between cognition, facial expressions, and affect as underlying mechanisms for the development and maintenance of depression. It highlights the lack of empirical studies on facial expressions and the need for quantifying and modifying them. The project presents a feasibility study on smartphone-based biofeedback Training for reducing depressive mood and suggests that this training could be a useful tool for individuals with depressive symptoms. It also proposes the establishment of empathokinaesthetic sensor technology and machine learning methods for the automatic detection and modification of Depression-associated facial expressions, posture, and movement. The mutual activation of depressogenic evaluation processes and depression-associated kinaesthesia is a significant factor in psychological information processing theories. It emphasizes the importance of understanding these underlying mechanisms in developing effective interventions for depression. Overall, the project provides insights into the potential of smartphone-based biofeedback training and machine-learning algorithms in detecting and treating depression.




Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Matthias Berking

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. Björn Eskofier

Principal Investigator


Doctoral Candidates

Marie Keinert, M. Sc.

Doctoral Candidate

Lydia Rupp

Doctoral Candidate

Misha Sadeghi, M. Sc.

Doctoral Candidate

Klara Capito

Associated Doctoral Candidate

Malin Hager, M.Sc.

Associate Doctoral Candidate

Farnaz Rahimi, M. Sc.

Associate Doctoral Candidate

Robert Richer, M. Sc.

Associated Doctoral Candidate



Prof. Dr. Bernhard Egger

Associated Member



Additional Information
